
AMD, Antarctic Master Directory
NASA’s Global Change Master Directory staff created a resource for discovering and describing internationally held Antarctic data.

ATS, Antarctic Treaty Secretariat
The Antarctic Treaty was signed in Washington on 1 December 1959 by the twelve countries whose scientists had been active in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957-58.

CEP, Committee for Environmental Protection
The Committee consists of representatives of the Parties to the Environment Protocol and normally meets once a year in conjunction with the ATCM.

The business of the CEP is facilitated by work conducted by Parties between meetings in intersessional contact groups.

CNDP, Centro Nacional de Datos Polares
National Antarctic Data Centre and Polar Archive.

CPE, Comité Polar Español
The Spanish Polar Committee is responsible for the coordination of all polar activities, issuing of environmental impact permits and setting the priorities for all science and technology activities related to the Antarctic Treaty System.

International Glaciological Society
The IGS was founded in 1936 to provide a focus for individuals interested in practical and scientific aspects of snow and ice. It publishes the Journal of Glaciology, the Annals of Glaciology and the news bulletin Ice.

PANATEC - MALA Geoscience Ground-Penetrating Radars (GPR)
PANATEC, S.L. activity focuses on the supply of technological solutions for implementing non-destructive measurement techniques, experiments and inspection. PANATEC, S.L. commercializes ground-penetrating radars (GPR) manufactured by MALA Geoscience, Sweden, which have many applications in civil engineering, geotechnics, archaeology and glaciology, among others. Our research team has used these GPRs on many glaciers in both Antarctica and the Arctic.

Spanish National SCAR Committee
Spanish branch of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). SCAR is constituted by 43 countries (31 Full Members and 12 Associate Members), each of them having a national committee.

UTM, Unidad de Tecnología Marina
The Marine Technology Unit is responsible for the the polar research and logistic support vessels, and the logistic support of Juan Carlos I Antarctic Station.