De Andrés, E., Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M., Shahateet, K., & Otero, J. (2024). The Importance of Solving Subglaciar Hydrology in Modeling Glacier Retreat: A Case Study of Hansbreen, Svalbard. Hydrology, 11(11), 193.
Category Archives: Papers-Glaciology
A 3D glacier dynamics–line plume model to estimate the frontal ablation of Hansbreen, Svalbard
Muñoz-Hermosilla, J. M., Otero, J., De Andrés, E., Shahateet, K., Navarro, F., and Pérez-Doña, I. (2024) A 3D glacier dynamics–line plume model to estimate the frontal ablation of Hansbreen, Svalbard. The Cryosphere, 18, 1911–1924.
Response of the climatic mass balance of Hurd and Johnsons glaciers, Livingston Island, to the transient cooling period of the northern Antarctic Peninsula in the early 21st century
Recio-Blitz, C., Corcuera, M.I., Machío, F., Rodríguez-Cielos, R., Navarro, F. (2024) Response of the climatic mass balance of Hurd and Johnsons glaciers, Livingston Island, to the transient cooling period of the northern Antarctic Peninsula in the early 21st century. Czech […]
Contribution of satellite sea surface salinity to the estimation of liquid freshwater content in the Beaufort Sea
Umbert, M., De Andrés, E., Sánchez, M., Gabarró, C., Hoareau, N., González-Gambau, V., García-Espriu, A., Olmedo, E., Raj, R. P., Xie, J., and Catany, R. (2024) Contribution of satellite sea surface salinity to the estimation of liquid freshwater content in […]
Spatiotemporal evolution of the land cover over Deception Island, Antarctica, its driving mechanisms, and its impact on the shortwave albedo
Calleja, J.F.; Muñiz, R.; Otero, J.; Navarro, F.; Corbea-Pérez, A.; Reijmer, C.; de Pablo, M.Á.; Fernández, S. (2024) Spatiotemporal evolution of the land cover over Deception Island, Antarctica, its driving mechanisms, and its impact on the shortwave albedo. Remote Sens. […]
Ground-penetrating radar as a tool for determining the interface between temperate and cold ice, and snow depth: a case study for Hurd-Johnsons glaciers, Livingston Island, Antarctica
Letamendia, U., Navarro, F., Benjumea, B. (2023) Ground-penetrating radar as a tool for determining the interface between temperate and cold ice, and snow depth: a case study for Hurd-Johnsons glaciers, Livingston Island, Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology. 2023:1-9. doi:10.1017/aog.2023.73
Southward migration of the zero-degree isotherm latitude over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic Peninsula: Cryospheric, biotic and societal implications
González-Herrero, S., Navarro, F., Pertierra, L.R. et al. (2024) Southward migration of the zero-degree isotherm latitude over the Southern Ocean and the Antarctic Peninsula: Cryospheric, biotic and societal implications. Science of The Total Environment, vol. 912, 2024, 168473.
Estimating ice discharge of the Antarctic Peninsula using different ice-thickness datasets
Shahateet, K., Navarro, F., Seehaus, T., Fürst, J., & Braun, M. (2023). Estimating ice discharge of the Antarctic Peninsula using different ice-thickness datasets. Annals of Glaciology, 1-12. doi:10.1017/aog.2023.67
Progress toward globally complete frontal ablation estimates of marine-terminating glaciers
Kochtitzky, W., Copland, L., Van Wychen, W. et al. (including Navarro, F.) (2023). Progress toward globally complete frontal ablation estimates of marine-terminating glaciers. Annals of Glaciology, 1-10. doi:10.1017/aog.2023.35
Surface mass balance monitoring of the peripheral glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of regional climate change
Navarro, F., Recio-Blitz, C., Rodríguez-Cielos, R., Otero, J., Shahateet, K., De Andrés, E., Corcuera, M.I., Letamendia, U., Muñoz-Hermosilla, J.M. (2023). Surface mass balance monitoring of the peripheral glaciers of the Antarctic Peninsula in the context of regional climate change. Ann. […]